Thursday, January 20, 2011

Book Two for 2011: Flutter book 3 of Amanda Hocking's Series My Blood Approves

The My Blood Approves Series by Amanda Hocking has been really good so far. This book is just as good as the first 2 books. Fate, the second in the series, right now is my favorite though.  I am loving this series and can't wait to read the next book. Part of me wants to put it off to see if she is going to write another book in this series. It has been so good I don't want it to end that soon. The characters are well thought out and I am loving the plot and the characters. I have to pull myself away from these books just to get anything done around the house. Wisdom is the 4th book in her series and I am dieing to read it.... I even might get Letters to Elise which I wasn't sure I was going to read. It is written from Peters Perspective to his 1st wife. But I think I like Peter so much that I am going to go ahead and read it to understand his Character a little better. I am pulling for Peter. I don't know whats going to happen but again I am loving the series and can't wait to find out!!!

Please keep this series going. I haven't found a series I have read clear through since the Sweep series like 6 or 7 years ago and it was 15 or 16 books. So I am in it for the long haul and I am sure that all of the My blood Approves lovers are too. 

1 comment:

VeganAvenger said...

I think u should visit this for a good tofu scramble recipe.