John and I used to hang out at the book stores all the time. For hours we would just sit and look through books and very seldom purchasing any. We enjoyed our days of laziness and thought provoking reading materials. They were carefree and fun. I would write down those book titles on the back of receipts and extra paper I found floating through my ever messy purse... But I would loss them or drop them and I would never see them again. So one day I found these cute little folders and purchased 2. I didn't know what I was going to do with them but then it dawned on me. A Book of Books.... I would keep a ever running list of all the books I want so that when I come home I can price them online and order them when I had the extra money. For a long time I kept this list. With everything from Animal rights to Children books and Vegetarian cooking to Religion and from Birthing to environmental science... One day my beloved Book of Books came up missing and I thought I was long gone being left at one of my frequented book stores.... But yesterday as I cleaned some of the clutter out of the room that we consider the Animal Room, which houses a bunch of junk as well as animal stuff, and a couple book shelves... I was looking down at some photo albums and was amazed to find my Book of Books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how it ended up there but it was atleast still in our house! I was so happy!!!! and I still am now I have to update all my purchases and add on to the books I want list... Which just to catch up on could take forever. But thats ok.... Because I love it... lol :) Happy Days are here again........ lol :) :) :)
Organized.... I love to look at things that are totally |
This was my make shift way of making up for the loss of my Book of Books. Which I would use ever so often. Not very organized though :( |
Oyeah this time ever so often I will be scanning it and keeping it on the computer just incase.... ;)