We are normally invited to 6 family gathers all in 3 days every Christmas. 3 on "J"s side and 2 on mine. We only went to 4 this year. First (not counted in the above gatherings) J & I decided to do Christmas at our house on the 22nd I think. It was nice J gave me VwaV, Vegan Deli, a cake rotate plate, new stackable cooling racks, kitchen aid hand chopper, a new hair iron,

captivity, Veronica mars season 3 and other cooking stuff. "J" received (on this day) (His b-day is on the 20th so he gets alot around this time of year, I made him an mint ice cream cake with chocolate cake. Sorry I didn't get pictures of any of that.) anyways this day he received a trimmer, Shave gel warmer, God of war 2 PS2,

Smallville season 6, Live free die hard, some other movies, and a couple other things. The next morning the 22nd was the first gathering with my parents to do the gift exchanging. It turned out really nice "C" made out with tons of stuff.

"J" finally got his present he had been wanting for ever. .... A bow... No he does not hunt. Just for target shooting. Plus he got a target, storage case, arrows, some small stuff for his bow. My mom got my dad a limited edition Cadillac Guitar

( My dad loves Cadillacs. He owns 3.) J & I gave him a new winter coat, some slippers, a couple other things. Dad bought mom a new computer screen

and a bunch of other things. J & I gave her a giant starbucks mug, key board, shirt, and various other things. I finally got Veganomican ( Sorry spelling wrong)!!!! and Gilmore girls season 7. Everyone had a good day I know a bunch of blabbing on and on about presents sorry. But as everyone should know Christmas isn't just about presents. So celebrate but remember what you are celebrating! That evening we went to "J"s families for the present exchange. We were there for s few hours it was nice to see everyone. Christmas eve we were at J"s families again for dinner. They had finger food this year so we got to fill up on veggie & picked stuff trays. Thats ok with me though. I would rather know what I am eating then guessing what goes in my mouth.

There were tons of people there. Christmas we went to my Grandparents house for dinner. It was a nice time as well. They live about 2 hours away so we don't visit them as much as we should so I is nice when we do go there.

Ok I think I am done blabbing here are some pictures.

Amy's Chick pea Curry. peas, & rice. At my grandparents house. After that we also ate sweet potatoes, roles, & mashed potatoes.

Organic Cat nip candy canes for the kitties. All the animals got spoiled even more this year. The cats got a new cat house, 3 fishy toys, a mouse toy, 6 candy canes, a bird toy that chirps ( pictured to coppers left), a tunnel toy, and tons of other toys.

The Dogs got tons of chew toys, 6 stuffed animals, dog beds, etc. The ferrets got bell toys, and Schookies the Chin got apple tree sticks. It was a good Christmas. We were very lucky we had the means to do this this year. This coming year it is time for a debt diet... :( But thats ok. Christmas was very nice this year. Visiting with everyone was great. Merry Christmas everyone.. I know I am a little late but I have been so so busy. So please forgive me.