Monday, April 5, 2010

"What would happen if I didn't eat any vegetables?"

I have a link on my site that tells how people find my blog. There is all kinds of searches that come to my blog. But this one was kinda strange.....

"What would happen if I didn't eat any Vegetables?"

So I thought I would answer this persons search....

You would be constipated w/o fiber from vegetables. You intestines would have to work very hard and still would not totally empty your body of waste. The lower your daily fiber the more increase in the risk of colon cancer. Since fiber cleans out your system. When bacteria sits in your body from not totally eliminating it it can cause all sorts of problems from bad breath to cancer. Eating lots of meat to make up for the loss of your other foods will also increase your risk of colon cancer. And digestive issues because meat breaks down slowly. Meat and dairy also causes on acid effect in your body which makes greater risk for disease. Breaking down of food in the body takes oxygen. The longer it takes to break down a food the more oxidation occurs. Oxidation causes free radical build up in the body. This is not good for you. Depending on if you are male or female your risk of breast cancer or prostate cancer also increases. It increases your blood cholesterol levels which increases your chances of having a heart attack. Risk of disease from eating a diseased animal is also presents. Specially with all the info on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) commonly known as Mad cow disease. You will not know if you have contacted this disease until you are alot older because it can sit dormant in your system. In humans it is called Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Also most all chicken has tumors and it is not known if eating tumorous meat can cause tumor growth in a human body. Though thoughts are that it could because tumors are cells that grow out of control for some reason. Introducing a tumor cell to your body could cause cell development. Mass raising animals also has other issues like pesticides on the animals, in the animals food, antibiotics that no longer work because they are always in meat and so strains of viruses become immune to them. So when people are sick they have to come up with new antibiotics to treat the virus that can no longer be killed by the original antibiotics. I could keep going but there is so much information to give.

Vegetables are very important to the diet. They give you tons of vitamins, along with fiber. They lower your risk of a lot of cancers. There are tons of different veggies and tons of ways to cook them...

1 comment:

Breanna said...

Hi there. I have selective eating disorder and I mainly only eat peanut butter sandwiches and pizza. I occasionally eat fruit but I rarely eat meat or vegetables. I am not constipated. So I'm just wondering where you got this info from? Thanks.